Matrix collection for Postman


  1. Download the collection
  2. Download the environment
  3. Install Postman
  4. Create a workspace
  5. Go to Collections
  6. Click Import
  7. Select Matrix.postman_collection.json
  8. Click Environment, then Globals
  9. Create a global variable with name assetsURL and
  10. Click Import
  11. Select _Template.postman_environment.json


  • Configure Postman to not save request changes on close.
  • Every time you need to connect to a new Matrix server, duplicate the Template environment.
  • Do not add any sensitive information to environment Initial value. This is synced to Postman servers. Data in Current value is only stored locally on your computer.
Customize the style and scripts

Download src/postman_assets/script.js or src/postman_assets/style.css from the GitHub repository, edit as required, then serve them somewhere Postman can access them using HTTP(S). Finally, update the URL in the global assetsURL variable.

Why not share the collection on Postman?

Because it's a pain to maintain.

  • Bugfixes/Typos
  • Handle power levels notifications as object
  • Made protocol an environment variable to make it easier to work with local http test instances
  • Added: Admin - List of destinations
  • Added: CS - Get/Set/Unset room canonical alias
  • Added: Template - MMS admin secret

  • Added template environment
  • Added some tips
  • Bugfixes
  • Documented all environment variables
  • Fixed request sorting
  • Typos
  • Added more environment variables
  • Added: Admin - Find user by 3PID
  • Added: Admin - Find user by External ID
  • Added: Admin - Set user avatar
  • Added: Admin - Shadow(un)ban user
  • Added: CS - Get/Set Account data
  • Added: MMR - Get users stats
  • Added: MMR - Purge user media